17 February 2014


Anatomy Quiz

If possible share how you arrived at an answer; i.e. book or URL that was most useful. Some small edits and expansions of questions have been done. Print out your answers / include in your final turn-in package. LA & AL

1. Where are the metacarpal bones located?
A) the inner ear.
B) the hand.
C) the foot.

2. Boat pose  (Navasana) strengthens the core and and stabilizes the back. Why would a student feel uncomfortable in boat pose in their back? What are some yoga poses or exercises to help strengthen and lengthen back muscles?

3. When you inhale, the diaphragm ____. When you exhale, the diaphragm ____.

4. Ujjayi breathing (two part question):Is this breathing safe for everyone to practice [for example, high and low blood pressure] and why or why not?  

4a. Describe the biological/anatomical/physiological processes of ujjayi breathing as if you were explaining it to a skeptical physician.

5. What is the muscle called that runs between the ribs?

6. What densely woven fibrous tissue weaves it's way through out every bone muscle,
nerve, artery, vein, all internal organs(heart,lungs, brain, spine) as one continuous
strong support structure?

7. How many discs and vertebra are in the human spine?
A) 12+6 variable &26
B) 29+4 variable &30
C) 23+6 variable &33.

8. What are the three arches in the foot that create a triangle of support for us as we stand in mountain pose?                    

9. Define "overpronate":

10. There are several categories or types of joints. Name two categories; provide an example of each and describe how they move.

11. There are many joints in the body. Pick three major joints, list a yoga posture that moves/ is involved with that joint.

12. What are safe modifications for both cat-cow and downward facing dog for a student with repetitive stress injury (RSI)/carpal tunnel/wrist issues? Describe anatomically what this looks like.

13. Describe the process when a muscle is stretched in a yoga posture, or any safe stretch.     

14. Provide examples of
(a) plane,

(b) hinge,

(c) pivot,

(d) ellipsoidal,

(e) saddle,

(f) condylar, and

(g) ball-and-socket joints. 

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